A Republican representative from Florida resigned today from his seat in the U.S. Congress because it was discovered that he was coming on to a 16 year old male Congressional page. Here is an example of true cowardice on all levels. This is a man who is affiliated with a party which openly and proudly discriminates against homosexuals. This is a man who is affiliated with a party which is openly holier-than-thou on just about every political issue. This is a man who preys on adolescents, despite holding considerable power and privilege in this corrupt Republican government. Shades of Goering. When will the people awake from their stupor and reject these bullying cowards? I hope, for their own sake, it is soon.
The stock markets are evolved monsters, originating in market squares of primitive villages. They are the playground of the wealthy, greedy, aggressive and materialistic. In recent times, they have been touted to the general public as beneficent and necessary features of 'freedom' in the capitalist catechism. This is part of the scheme, of course. The scheme of the rich to get richer at the expense of the gullible. Socialism is the only check against runaway capitalism. Socialism, basically embodied in the sharing of capital and resources through government administration of tax revenues, has been responsible for the general improvement in health, education and quality of life for the masses of the industrial societies. Stock markets are to social welfare, as casinos are to hospitals. In other words, apples and oranges. While freedom does entail the unimpeded existence of stock markets, it does not exclude socialism. And, the source of the wealth required for social improvements in a society is basically irrelevant. However, the recent attempt of government to fuse the concept of stock market trading with social welfare is perverse and dangerous. That is the road to fascism. In my own practice, I try to align my need for economic freedom with my social responsibilities to the general society. I do not begrudge my tax payments, unless I see those revenues being stolen or squandered by unscrupulous politicians. It takes the vigilance and right action of all citizens in a society to maintain and promote the welfare of everyone in it.
We live in strange times. Recently I listened to a black woman who happens to be an ideologue of the Bush militarism here in the US. She also happens to be Secretary of State. While I do understand how her rage over white racism of her youth in the South may have engendered in her a need to hold and wield power, I do not understand why she would choose to join a regime which wages wars on foreign civilians, spies on American citizens, tortures non-combatants and ignores the deterioration of the world environment. I have learned from oppression, due to my sexual orientation, that oppressing others does not foster peace and the reduction of hatred in the ecology of humankind. I hope this educated woman may someday learn that lesson.
A society cannot exist functionally as a factionalized collection of diverse cultures, languages and classes. The American liberal ideal of diversity and multiculturalism cannot be achieved when the various groups in the society refuse to acculturate or subscribe to a common culture, which supersedes other cultural prejudices and traditions. I am currently experiencing the negative effects of a neighbor's racism and refusal to acculturate and comply with established American codes of behavior. The neighbor, who is foreign-born, refuses to step out from a very basic alienating defense, based in language and race. He resists friendship. He acts autonomously in the way he behaves on his property, which adjoins the property of others. He does not feel responsible to his neighborhood in any way, and he makes this quite clear. He represents, in my way of thinking, what is wrong with the current American tolerance of dysfunctional immigrant behavior. Our leaders, the rich and powerful, obsess on terrorism from abroad because they do not live among the uncultured immigrants who populate America's working class neighborhoods. They fail to realize that the actual threat to the best of American culture, the commonality of purpose and ideals of social harmony, lies in the factionalism caused when immigrants isolate themselves and cling to the less ideal aspects of the cultures from which they originate. While my own practice entails trying to reach out to individuals from diverse backgrounds, I accept that America's decline may come from its lack to venerate its own unique cultural ideals, based in the the much maligned and secular Protestant Ethic of its founders.
He could have mobilized the army to all the seaports, airports and borders.
He could have bombed a trench along the deserted US border with Mexico.
He could have poured billions into hi-tech security devices.
He could have poured billions in educational aid to Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan.
He could have poured millions into building internet access in poor nations.
He could have poured billions into food and housing for refugees here and abroad.
He could have poured billions into AIDS drugs and education in Africa.
He could have poured billions into the urban African American communities.
He could have poured billions into health care for all Americans.
He could have poured billions into free college/vocational/technical education for poor Americans.
He could have spared more than 2000 American military lives.
He poured our money into death, destruction, corruption and retribution.
And we, as a nation, let him.
This is the enduring tragedy of 9-11.
He could have bombed a trench along the deserted US border with Mexico.
He could have poured billions into hi-tech security devices.
He could have poured billions in educational aid to Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan.
He could have poured millions into building internet access in poor nations.
He could have poured billions into food and housing for refugees here and abroad.
He could have poured billions into AIDS drugs and education in Africa.
He could have poured billions into the urban African American communities.
He could have poured billions into health care for all Americans.
He could have poured billions into free college/vocational/technical education for poor Americans.
He could have spared more than 2000 American military lives.
He poured our money into death, destruction, corruption and retribution.
And we, as a nation, let him.
This is the enduring tragedy of 9-11.
I was in a crawlspace today under my porch. I tried to avoid the simple chore that needed to be done because I am claustrophobic. I took it as a challenge and was able to get centered enough to attack it. The space is 24 inches high. The spiders seem to like it. In getting in and out of the crawlspace, I noticed I was using muscle groups in the center of my body which I never usually use. It was a painful realization. It made me think of a current exhibit here at the Museum of Science, which has on display flayed human bodies, preserved with plastic injections. As our cognitive skills become more central to our survival, it seems we must consciously practice at using our bodies' full potential. Facing health challenges makes this even more daunting. I am committed to using my body's potential as best as I can as part of my daily practice.

The perception of gravity, a fixed physical constant, does vary. It varies with the heat, humidity, fatigue and body mass. I often measure my state of being by my perception of gravity. If I feel heavy, I know I need to meditate and/or rest. Rather than obsessing about my waistline, I prefer to be conscious of my experience of my weight in gravity. It is important to my practice to remain very aware of my perceptions of those simple physical realities outside my control. Taking a breath, stopping to assess, taking the appropriate measures to remain centered, these are important ways to stay well and in harmony with the Universe.
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