
Practice is who you are. It is the sum of daily behaviors which comprise your being and becoming. Hopefully, it is shaped by mindfulness, compassion and generosity of spirit. Hopefully, it includes daily study and meaningful human communication.


My heart swells for joy at the realization of Martin Luther King's dream. My eyes bear the tears of one whose full humanity has yet to be recognized by his nation.


A wise man once told me, when I was a child, that the truth lies in what people do, as opposed to what they say. When I watch the proceedings in Washington, DC, in this inaugural season, I see politicians doing the same old things while they are voicing a need for change.

The country is in shambles, largely due to politicians, who ripped the guts out of government watch-dogs in the last 8 years. Where is the behavior of change in the new politicians. the Obama politicians? I cannot see change in their behavior. Not yet, at least.

I may be criticized for being skeptical or impatient or cynical. I may be all of these. However, I was also skeptical, impatient and enraged, when the Bush fascists stole the election of 2000 and behaved as impeccable patriots. That bunch turned out to be mass murderers of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, shameless torturers and invaders of the privacy of all Americans. And the populace of America, by and large, just watched or looked the other way.

I want those Americans who demand change, expect change, have been promised change to stand up to these new politicians. I want to see those Americans walk the walk. And, if they do not get change, I challenge them to return to Washington, DC, to demonstrate, instead of celebrate. This age of mass distraction by the media must end for true change to begin.


Overpopulation is the most critical environmental and ethical issue on the planet. It is also the most ignored. This is simple to explain. Overpopulation is a problem of heterosexuality, ignorance and religion. Heterosexuals are the majority. Ignorance is rampant in a world where personal greed takes precedence over public education. Religion maintains control of women by the men who foster it by encouraging high birth rates.

Gaza is a striking microcosm of this phenomenon.

Women who maintain practice and their personal freedom are especially challenged and especially admirable. They must overcome great obstacles to see past their conditioning and control by men in their lives. Women will either solve the problem of overpopulation or the species will suffer tremendously before becoming decimated by starvation, disease and perpetual war.