
The current obsession with failed immigration policy is just another distraction from the real issues that are corroding the quality of life in American society. The focus should be on the unethical people who are making money off the backs of illegal labor. The focus should be on the 10% of the American population which control 90% of American wealth at the time of a crippling economic depression. These wealthy Americans are funding the politicians who are making policy. These Americans have decided they do not want to pay taxes to keep democracy alive in America.

Television and radio have become co-opted by that upper crust. They depend on them for their livelihood and are owned by them. Even "public" broadcasting has become the lap dog of the wealthy. More and more hidden endorsements and commercials are evident to regular listeners like me. More and more interviews that are really infomercials.

It is obvious that the wealthy of the U.S. are planning to walk the well worn path to Fascism and/or plutocracy. Merging of government and corporations is evident. The Reaganite poison is in the water. We are fighting wars for oil and natural resources. The poor have been duped into hollow patriotism. The wealthy have managed to turn the poor against government by propaganda on TV and AM radio.

Meanwhile, the money men have managed to take control of the government by managing to buy a Democratic presidency with a faux-Left, multiracial figurehead to soothe the few intelligent, truly Left-leaning Americans. Middle-class Tea-Party folks and Libertarians have been fooled into raging against their own interests in health care and good government.

It is difficult to rally support for opposition movements in a country devastated by a depression. The lucky are on unemployment benefits, which are used by politicians to sway their sentiments in favor of the status quo. The unlucky are scrambling for shrinking private and government resources to stay off the street. The unaffected are staying quiet and simply hoping they are not next in line for financial ruin.

The truth is clear. Too few have too much. Too many have too little. Hard work has nothing to do with the disparity. Class has become more and more entrenched and defined in America. It is class disparity which will continue to destroy American democracy.