The insanity of supporting war by the greater public is obvious. Centuries of wars have done relatively little to improve the human condition. Today's ludicrous indignation of the U.S. government over leaked Pentagon documents about the corruption in Pakistan and the failed strategy in Afghanistan underlines my point. The nonsense about a war for "freedom" in that part of the world has been shown to be a cynical public relations stunt to cover more devious machinations by our military, our industry and the allies of our politicians.
The U.S. government has turned a deaf ear to scores of human-rights and human-aid workers who are intimately familiar with Afghanistan. These peace-oriented advisers have repeatedly cautioned against stoking the Afghan tendency to belligerence and tribalism. Instead, they have suggested supporting the Afghan talent for small industry and perseverance. The Pentagon has ignored these calls. They are interested in more money for more weapons and more medal-encrusted grandeur for the war executives (officers).
Congress, still cowering behind post-911 flag waving, have caved in to the military over and over again. They are all too eager to forget the lessons of Viet Nam. Defense contractors have sunken their talons into the purses of political campaigns. Even the peace-talking, Nobel-holding Obama has become hawkish and easily cowed by the bluster of his own generals.
Insanity is doing the same ineffective thing over and over again while expecting a new result. This is the history of the military back through the ages. Armies represent and protect those who do not have the greater good in mind. Armies enforce the power of one elite over another. In doing this, they grind the bones of the common people.