As the temperature hovers in the high 90's Fahrenheit (30's Celsius), the unsustainability of the modern urban environment becomes glaringly obvious. A culture which relies on oil and coal to power air conditioners, cars and water purification plants is not prone to support a radical change to sustainable energy sources in any big hurry.
Black pavement, dark roofs and an absence of shade trees make the modern urban environment a solar heat collector. This requires greater artificial cooling to maintain human health in buildings poorly designed for hot weather. Not using air conditioning is a choice to sacrifice personal health for no measurable social or environment effect. Frankly, it is masochistic, since the price of an air conditioning unit is equivalent to what most families pay for one month's cable TV bill.
The problem is a big one and beyond the power of single individuals to solve. Industry obviously has no interest in solving it. Government, if constrained by corruption, will not fix it. This is not a hopeful scenario, but it is an accurate assessment of the status quo.
As global warming radically changes the environment with exponential effects of petrochemical addiction, great human suffering is predictable. This suffering will cut across socioeconomic lines. When the technological breaking point comes, there will be no refuge from heat or drought or famine. Only then will those who live in denial of science and history be forced to face the truth. Meanwhile, those us us who see the coming catastrophe must turn to some form of daily practice to maintain our sanity and personal optimism.