
In these times of moral and ethical equivocation, it is important to understand that death is final. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to support any other opinion. So, for the time being, I would encourage my fellow creatures to wake up and understand that this moment of life is all there is to life. And, if you are fortunate enough to live into a future life, the consequences of each of these moments will live along with you until you die. Then it is over. Living an honorable and responsible life is its own reward, if you accept the finality of death. Respect and responsibility toward the world show in the bearer of these qualities. Therefore, the one who respects and is responsible tends to receive respect and fair treatment. And, if denied respect and fair treatment by the world, the honorable and responsible person can take solace in having lived the best life he/she could. Living an honorable and responsible life requires practice. Those who do not practice in this way are doomed to confusion and bewilderment in the face of adversity. They are rudderless in a sea of addictions, reactions, fears and/or self pity.