I used the services of a lawyer, who has helped me buy and sell property. He is a very likable, highly energetic man, who spends his life immersed in the avalanches of clauses and disputes which come with possession of things. In the midst of a stressful transaction, in which I was overly invested financially and emotionally, this married, conservative lawyer turned to me and said, "Paul, I'm going to give you a KISS." I was surprised, uninterested in kissing at the moment, and shocked into acute attention. He continued with a wide grin, "Keep It Simple, Stupid!" I was immediately deflated by these words to a state of calm and surrender to his skill. All went well subsequently with considerably less wasted anxiety on my part. I saw the Buddha nature of my lawyer friend for the first time.
The Buddha nature is everywhere. In simplicity, we are more likely to live in accord with the Buddha nature. Live, and let live. Mind your own business. Focus on the Middle Path. People in glass houses should not throw stones. Treat others as you would be treated. Most importantly, know what you do not know. All these old and tried sayings are aides to attaining simplicity in a distracting world. Spend less time in front of the computer and more time improving your own life.
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