
Scott Brown, the faux-commoner, nude poser and shill for the national Right Wing, is now the U.S. Senator-elect from Massachusetts. This is the political game in 2010 in America. The Democrat establishment has reaped the returns of its naivete and smugness. Obama is not the Messiah of a New Age. This is a good lesson for them and for those on the Left.

The battles for gay rights, universal rights to health care, just immigration policy and a peace-oriented foreign policy are still undecided. The powers of violence, fundamentalist hatred, greed and sexism are still alive and well in America. Those powers will pepper the airwaves with reactionary propaganda. They will spout liberal views in public and fund reactionary candidates in private. They will spur the resentful to the polls in January sleet in once-progressive Massachusetts. Politics are duplicitous. Nature of the game.

While I find the arrogance of Mr. Brown's duplicity particularly distasteful, I welcome the potential effect of this wake-up call. Neo-Liberals, like Coakley, have been shown to be ineffectual, monotonous and Republican-lite. The national political soup has been well stirred by this little Massachusetts election. I, for one, say, "Let it boil."